Training Data Annotation For Machine Learning and AI

Cogito is the industry leader in data labeling and annotation services to provide the training data sets for AI and machine learning model developments. All types of AI and ML services requires the training data for algorithms with next level of accuracy

What is the Scope of Data Analysis in Healthcare?

Data analysis filed is become important due to high reliability on data for analyzing the previous trend and predict the future. And the labeled data is also used in machine learning and AI-based project development.


And now data analysis in healthcare is playing an important role in diagnosing the various types of diseases and analyses the health conditions of various patients to find out the possibilities with other patients.


The scope of data analysis in healthcare is bright and with the day-by-day innovations in data science filed, analyst are better able to analyze the information for further use. From rising cost, deadly diseases, ever increasing population and lack of such professionals a massive changes in healthcare industry is likely to occur. This article was originally featured on Visit Here